The governing body of the academy is made up of representatives of the Church, the local communities, staff representatives and elected parent governors from both schools.
Their duty is the oversight of the general conduct and development of the schools. The daily functioning of the schools is mainly the responsibility of the Headteacher and members of staff who report to the governors concerning the school curriculum, the schools' resources and activities and the general management of the schools. The governors support the staff in committee meetings and are encouraged to get to know the schools through visits during the school day.
The governors’ role is to ensure that the curriculum is broad and balanced, and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum. They co-operate with the Headteacher to formulate and approve all school policies and consider the school improvement plan annually. The governors have an important role in determining, with the senior management team, the future development of the schools.
Governors of the schools are also directors of the Academy and have a responsibility to determine the schools' budgets each year, considering the general running costs of the schools such as staffing, equipment, heating and cleaning. They also must approve any major projects, such as the building of new facilities. They must ensure that an annual return is made each year to Companies House and report annual to the Trustees of the Academy. Copies of the minutes from Governing Body Meetings are available on request.
Please contact Mrs Susie Bennett, Chair of Governors, through Greenfield C of E School, Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES
Tel. 01525 712426
Name |
Committee/Responsibility |
Appointment Date |
Debbie Drawbridge | Head Teacher | N/A |
Rev Simon Moore |
Incumbent |
October 2022 |
Tarkus Frost | Parent Governor | 5 December 2022 |
Robert Rishton | Governor | 1 July 2024 |
Susie Bennett |
Chair |
19 October 2023 |
Victoria Cusack | Vice Chair | February 2024 |
Emma Druce |
SEND Governor |
1 September 2021 |
Sue Smy | Foundation Governor |
26 September 2011 |
Alison Wolfe |
Teaching Staff Governor |
1 January 2024 |
Jacqui Gibson | Governance Professional |
N/A |
Kiff Philpott | Governor |
December 2024 |
Tom Mintern | Governor |
February 2025 |
Trustee attendance records for governing body meetings can be found in the Final Accounts of each academic year.
Click here to link to the Statutory Information Page
The Board of Trustees are responsible for appointing some of the governors who sit on the Governing Body/Board of Members. They also oversee the financial management of the academy and the adherence to the academy educational objectives.
David Motion (Chair) (appointed 17/8/2011) |
Archdeacon David Middlebrook (appointed 1/9/2019) |
Gareth Ellis (appointed 17/8/2011) |
Marian Jackson (appointed 8/12/2023) |
The Annual General Meeting takes place in January of each year. The minutes of the previous meetings can be seen below:
The governors and trustees complete a declaration of pecuniary interests annually.