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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Greenfield School Association (GSA)

We are lucky to have our GSA (Greenfield School Association), which is a  registered charity, Charity Number 1096615.

As a parent of a child you are automatically a member of the PTA. If you would like to get involved in any way and want to join the committee or have any fundraising ideas, please speak to a member of the existing committee. They welcome any ideas or input from you.  The committees work very hard, however, fundraising events can only happen if there are enough people involved to organise and run the events. 

The GSA aim to raise funds to benefit the children, this can be for curricular or extra-curricular purposes.  


Facebook Page 

GSA Link is:

Don’t forget to use when shopping online to help the PTAs raise funds. It’s a simple way to help and does not cost you anything. Just sign up and choose Greenfield  Lower School for your fundraising. Every time you shop the GSA gets a donation.


What have the GSA funded?

  • Outside Play Equipment
  • Books for School Library
  • School Trip Subsidies
  • Class Christmas Presents
  • New playground toys 


How you can help?

Not every parent has the time to join the committee. However, there are many other ways you can help throughout the year. These include being a parent helper at an event, running a stall at a Fayre, buying raffle tickets, sourcing raffle prizes, wrapping presents and, most importantly, supporting the events that are put on.

In addition, are you lucky enough to work for a Company that offers Match Funding? Some companies will match the fundraising efforts of their staffs chosen charity. Please ask, we might be lucky.