Welcome to the Owls
Year 2
Welcome to the Owls. Year 2 is where we extend our knowledge and understanding from Year 1 and build on the skills that we have learned.
PE lesson are delivered by Premier Sport. Remember that long hair needs to be tied up, thank you.
Children read every day at school. The children will read individually and in groups to an adult and undertake comprehension tasks to ensure they understand the texts that they read. Children are encouraged to read at home as regularly as possible to support their progress.
Our weekly Learning Logs are an excellent opportunity for children to share and discuss the learning they have done at school with family at home. We encourage the children to complete the work themselves with their own pictures, writing and sometimes photographs. Our Learning Log activity is set on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Please make the Learning Log a positive and enjoyable activity.
Class Teacher
Mrs Morrissey-Pawar
Autumn 1
Owl class has had a wonderful start to the year, settling well into our new routines.
We have greatly enjoyed our art lessons, exploring the work of various artists and comparing our sculptures to theirs.
We have become experts on wolves and created some impressive leaflets, which we were excited to share with the younger children in the school.
A delightful village walk enhanced our mapping skills, allowing us to identify significant features and talk about our observations using geographical
Autumn 2
In English, we have been writing some exciting stories about a chameleon and have been learning how to write instructions.
Design Technology
Everyone has embraced the challenge of sewing, resulting in some fabulous festival baubles. I was particularly impressed by the resilience demonstrated by all, as no one gave up despite the challenges encountered.
Christmas performance
Our Christmas performance was a success, and I was amazed at how well the children sang and performed for our audience. I am immensely proud of each and every one of them.
Spring 1
In English, we've delved into our focus texts, which have inspired us to write letters and stories.
In geography, it has been interesting to explore various countries worldwide and learn about their unique weather patterns. I think many of us would love the chance to visit Singapore!
Our creativity shone through while studying the work of the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo. Everyone successfully used a range of materials to recreate portraits in his distinctive style, creating fantastic pieces using fruits and vegetables.
We had a great time researching habitats around the globe and created informative presentations to share with our classmates. I was particularly impressed by the presentation skills demonstrated, along with how confidently the children answered questions about their chosen habitat
Spring 2
On our first day back, we stumbled upon some lost toys in our classroom, which sparked our curiosity and encouraged us to make predictions about where they might have come from. The children worked hard to think and use their existing knowledge to make connections and help with their predictions. We really shone during our exploration of the story 'The Journey Home,' where we created some brilliant information texts about polar bears.
In maths, Owls have dedicated significant time learning to multiply and divide. We had a great time using rolling numbers to practice counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.
In design technology, our food tasting sessions were a huge hit! After sampling various ingredients, the Owls designed and made their very own delicious pizzas. They were scrumptious!
Our science lessons have been fun as we explored habitats and thought about who relies on who for survival. Our walk to the woods was a lovely adventure, as we observed numerous microhabitats.