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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



 Welcome to the Eagles 

Year 4


As we are the oldest children in the school, we take on various responsibilities.  These can include setting up the hall for collective worship, being responsible for the music and the hymn words, being a lunchtime dining hall helper and helping children be physically active.  Eagles also take lead roles on the Eco-Committee and Student Council. The children also have the opportunity to become worship leaders and to be part of the choir if they would like to.

Eagles strive to set good examples and show the rest of the school how to live our values.

During year 4, we work hard to build on the maths, reading, writing, spelling and grammar skills from year 3.  Our learning, in all areas of the curriculum,  is a combination of independent, partner and group work. We share our great ideas and support each other.  We enrich our learning with educational trips, visitors and a wide variety of activities in school.

Homework in Eagles is a weekly learning log consisting of two tasks. Children are asked to practise skills learned in school and research new areas of topics. There are also multiplication tables to learn for weekly tests in preparation for the year 4 national test at the end of the year. The children have access to TTRockstars at home and in school to help with their preparation for this. The children are asked to read daily and quiz when they have completed a book to demonstrate their reading comprehension.

We look forward to our residential trip away from home where we develop our independence, make our own decisions and cement our friendships as well as taking part in some amazing activities!

Our PE lessons are led by Premier Sport.

We have strong links with Arnold Academy and work closely with them. We also liaise and meet with the other local lower and middle schools.

The children endeavour to become independent, responsible and confident learners and we prepare them to ensure a smooth and happy transition to  their next schools.

Class teacher -  Mrs Potter 

Click here for our Spring Term 2 2025 Curriculum News


Spring Term 2


We have found out lots of interesting facts about the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings. We thought about where the Vikings came from, the first invasions, how they lived and the changes that occurred in England during that time. We found out about the first king of England, King Alfred the Great, and why he is he known by that name.


We have read and really enjoyed some of the Norse myths. We looked at 'Odd and the Frost Giants', by Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell, 'Freya and the Necklace' and 'Odin Creates the World'. We wrote in character, describing our thoughts, feelings and why we were behaving as we were. We then read the book ‘The Matchbox Diary’ by Paul Fleischman. We used the four sentence types: questions, commands, statements and exclamations to write a conversation between the characters using the correct rules and  punctuation associated with  direct speech.


In science, we learnt about electricity and carried out experiments using our electrical kits. We found out about complete and incomplete circuits and could detect whether a component was faulty. We carried out an experiment to find out which materials were conductors or insulators.

Red Nose Day

We loved decorating biscuits with icing and a glace cherry 'red nose'. 

Spring Term 1

We have all worked very hard this half term. In English, we read ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde. We discussed, compared and explored the theme of selfishness. Then we wrote pieces of writing to explain how and why the giant changed his ways and became generous. We then read the picture book ‘Farther’ by Grahame Baker Smith. We wrote setting descriptions using expanded noun and prepositional phrases and planned and wrote our own version of the story. In science, we conducted experiments to find out the different states of matter water can be in: a solid, a liquid or a gas and learnt about the water cycle. In art, we found out about the artist, Alexander Calder, and created fish sculptures using different media. In PE, we played hockey and worked particularly hard on our dribbling, passing and defending skills.