Welcome to the Ducklings
Ducklings is for our nursery children, aged 3 and over. Every child will be assigned a keyworker shortly after starting in Ducklings.
The children in Ducklings are taught through play and are provided with new learning experiences, in both the indoor and outdoor environment. The key workers in Ducklings model for the children, encouraging them to imitate and learn new skills. We nurture positive relationships with our parents, involving them in their child's learning and incorporating children's experiences at home into our learning.
During your child's time with us in Ducklings, they will explore different topics and be introduced to counting, colours, shapes, pencil control and many other wonderful new experiences. The children will be supported to learn the routines and boundaries of the class, encouraging sharing and building friendships with their peers. The children will be taught self-care skills, such as washing their hands, toileting and putting on their own shoes and coats.
We introduce the children in Ducklings to phonics, beginning with learning environmental sounds. We explore a new letter each week and work through the alphabet, finding different things beginning with that sound. As we progress through the year we will support the children to recognise their own name and some letter sounds.
We strive to make each child's time with us in Ducklings as enjoyable as possible to enable them to have a wonderful beginning to their learning journey through our school.
Children are welcomed into Ducklings from 3 years. If you are interested in your child attending our nursery please contact the school office, who will provide you with a Starting Ducklings information pack.
Nursery Assistants
Mrs Coote, Miss Cruise, Mrs Palmer and Mrs Richards
Ducklings Curriculum News, Spring 2 2025.pdf
Spring Term 1 2025
The children returned from the Christmas holidays and were eager to share their experiences from the holiday, who they had seen, what they had done and how they celebrated, we also welcomed new families into our class.
Our topic was toys, we looked at what different toys were made of, which were stronger, harder, softer and those toys that moved. The ducklings also explored old toys and new toys and compared them and we spoke about our favourite toys and why they are special to us. The children explored a variety of fiction and non-fiction books about toys and they produced art work of different toys. They also used recycling materials to create models of different toys, using a variety of methods to try to join their models together.
Spring Term 2 2025
Our topic this half term has been dinosaurs, the children have enjoyed this topic, learning more about dinosaurs, where they were found around the world, whether they could swim, fly or walk and what happened to the dinosaurs. We have also learnt what carnivore, herbivore and omnivore meant when talking about the dinosaur’s diet, which we also linked to ourselves and what we eat, whether it is healthy, unhealthy or tooth friendly.
The children have engaged in a variety of malleable activities which they could explore including playdough dinosaur eggs, chia seed dinosaur swamps and jelly dinosaur eggs. We have also produced dinosaur art using our hands and feet, 2d shapes and a variety of different techniques including printing, cutting and painting.
We have finished this half term, learning about Easter and why it is celebrated and the traditions different families have to celebrate this special time.