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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information

Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)

Mrs Alison Wolfe, Tel No: 01525 712426

At Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy, we are proud to offer a rich, caring and stimulating environment for all children, including those with SEND.  We are committed to providing tailored and, if required, specialist support for any child who needs it.  We recognise that every child is different and that some children may need additional support to access the curriculum, make progress and achieve success. 

It is important that any needs are identified as early and in as much detail as possible, so that appropriate support can be put in place.  Some children may join our school with needs already identified, whilst other needs may not become apparent until further into a child’s time with us.  All children are carefully tracked, and their progress, attainment and wellbeing monitored. 

If you have a child in school and you have any concerns about them and any area of their development, you are welcome to speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.  Mrs Wolfe works with the class teachers and other professionals, as appropriate, to identify children's needs and then plans support and intervention.  Some children’s needs may be more complex and an Education and Health Care Plan may be applied for.

We place great importance on working closely with parents and using a multi-disciplinary approach, where any appropriate external agencies are involved, so that every child receives the best care and support available, and can, therefore, fulfil their potential.  We also place great importance on listening to the views, opinions and ideas of our children with SEND.  Wherever possible, we involve them with their own SEND learning plan, so that they are able to contribute to the setting of their targets and understand what success looks like.

In line with the SEND Code of Practice 2015, Central Bedfordshire’s Graduated Approach supports our children with SEND.  The Graduated Approach is a toolbox of ideas that schools can dip into, although, not all strategies are listed.  A guide for parents and carers is accessible at 

It is really important to us that all children in our school have full access to the curriculum, and that children with SEND are included and educated alongside their peers wherever possible.  At times, it may be necessary to tailor or adapt activities to meet particular needs.  This may mean working in small groups or on a one-to-one basis.  We always seek to personalise learning opportunities and adopt a flexible approach, making necessary adjustments, so that every child is able to fulfil their potential, whilst still being challenged and given the opportunity to grow.  We place great emphasis on teaching our children to embrace differences and all children with SEND are valued members of their class and are encouraged to participate to their full ability in all areas of the curriculum. 

The Academy's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy and Information Report provides full details of our SEND provision.  The Policy and Information Report can be accessed here. 

Co-Production Charter

To highlight a shared vision for SEND, a co-production charter has been established, to ensure that:

  • Everyone working with children and families is communicating and working together to achieve the same outcomes
  • Everyone understands what we are trying to achieve and what families are asking for
  • Families can see evidence of everyone communicating and working together for the benefit of their child and other families.

 For our parents / carers this means:

  • Having their views and wishes heard about their child and engaging with services that they use
  • Being able to participate as fully as possible in decisions and being provided with information and support necessary to enable participation
  • Working with practitioners, sharing individual experiences to improve service delivery for their own family
  • Engaging in person-centred processes that improve outcomes for their child.

  For our children this means

  • Having their views and wishes heard
  • Being able to participate as fully as possible in decisions and being provided with information and support necessary to enable participation
  • Working with practitioners, sharing individual experiences to improve service delivery for themselves
  • Engaging in person-centred processes that improve outcomes for them.