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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES





Welcome to the Herons

Year 3

As children move from KS1 into KS2 they continue their learning journey through developing their knowledge and independence further. 

We encourage reading daily in school through various forms (independently, in a group or with an adult). Children take their reading books home each day and we encourage reading with a parent most evenings where possible. Children will carry out a quiz when they have completed their book, to demonstrate their understanding of their reading comprehension.

Herons are able to revise their learning at home through weekly learning logs. Learning logs provide an excellent way of being able to show and share learning and research activities which they have completed at home. Two learning log tasks are set every Friday for children to then return on the following Wednesday. Please make your learning logs as creative and positive as possible so that they are enjoyable. We are always excited to see the work that they have produced. 

Our PE lessons are led by Premier Sport.  Boys and girls please have your hair tied up for school. Thank you.


Spring Term 1

This half term we have thoroughly enjoyed our learning around our English book, Escape from Pompeii. We learnt about the devastation caused by the volcano erupting and became reporters, writing a newspaper article to report the incident. This linked in with our science learning about rocks, discovering how different rocks are formed and how fossils are made. We were very fortunate to have one of our children share her wonderful collection of fossils, all the children showed great interest and asked some great questions. 


Spring Term 2

Heron's have had a brilliant half term and have loved lots of our topics. We have been learning about the Romans in History and about the lasting impact they had in Britain today. We enjoyed learning about the different attempts to invade Britain, how Boudica was a fierce and angry female leader and warrior, and have found some of the horrible history songs quite funny but memorable! In Design and Technology we have been learning about how pneumatic systems work, we explored different ways to make one work before designing and make our own moving monster with a pneumatic system in. 

 Herons spring 2                                                                   

Class Teacher - Miss Morgan