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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Wrens

Year 1 

Wrens are the year 1 class at Greenfield School.  During year 1, we work hard to transition from the Early Year’s curriculum to more formal learning while developing routines to help us begin to establish our independence. Year 1 is a very exciting year as the Wrens experience many things for the first time, have ample opportunities to challenge themselves and start to discover their own skills and talents.

During year 1, we work hard to learn new skills with a particular focus on phonics, reading, writing and maths. The Wrens also enjoy the opportunity to focus on individual subjects such as history, geography and science for the first time as well as broadening their social skills in PSHCE. Wrens continue to reflect on the school values and how they can fully embrace them both at school and home.

Homework in Wrens is a weekly learning log which aims to inspire the children to embrace their creativity while either consolidating knowledge gained through the term or as a starting place for a new unit of work. 

Our PE lessons are taught by Premier Sport, please make sure long hair is tied back.


Class Teacher - Mrs Leaver

Wren's Curriculum News Spring 2 2025

Wrens Spring 2 2025

The Wrens have enjoyed another busy half term and have continued to work really hard in their reading, writing and maths. They really enjoyed World Book Day when they could bring in their favourite book from home to share with their friends. The weather was kind so we could read outside on the chatterbox. Everyone created a fantastic leaflet about the book that they had brought in and there were some lovely stories written in the learning logs.

In science the Wrens have enjoyed being scientists and doing some experiments to test their senses – they particularly enjoyed the taste test! It has been a very food oriented half term and we have had lots of fun evaluating, designing and testing picnic foods – there were some very delicious and healthy picnic skewers being eaten on our teddy bears picnic!

Easter has been very prevalent in the classroom with our RE theme being to understand why Easter is important to Christians, and lots of practise of our Easter Chant for the Easter performance. The children have done brilliantly to learn it and perform it with such confidence.



Wrens Spring 1 2025

The Wrens have had another great half term, we are really proud of how hard they are working at and how confident they are becoming in their reading, writing and maths.
This half term we have been lucky enough to have a specialist gymnastics teacher, Miss Lane from Premier Sport, taking one of our PE lessons a week and the children have enjoyed further developing their skills.
The Wrens have been learning about the wider world in our foundation subjects and found lots of facts about the continents and oceans of the world and how they can classify and sort zoo animals.
It was a treat to have so many of our adults come to the Reading Café and share the story of ‘Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ and then join in our craft activity of making dinosaur collage pictures using recyclable materials.