Welcome to Robins
Reception Year
Welcome to Robins, where we learn through playing and working together.
There are seven main areas of learning in the Foundation Stage Curriculum, which the children follow: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding of the World, and Expressive Arts and Design.
Here are some things you might like to know about our class:
- We practise our phonics, reading, mark-making / writing and mathematics every day.
- We enjoy 'story time' every day.
- We have Collective Worship every day and we follow our school’s values.
- We have PE on a Monday and a Thursday.
- We learn and practise a print handwriting style to begin with and, when we are ready, move onto a pre-cursive handwriting style.
- We bring home a new library book every Tuesday or Wednesday. Please share this book with your child and ensure that it is brought into school every day.
- We celebrate successes from time in school and at home, through our online learning journey, Tapestry.
- We have a home / school communication book. Please ensure that this is sent into school each day.
If we have not mentioned something you would like to know, please do not hesitate to ask.
We believe that all children have the right to achieve their full potential and should benefit from a wide-ranging curriculum that is differentiated to each child. Our classroom is stimulating and the activities we plan and set out are highly engaging, enabling all children to achieve their best. We work closely with the children’s families, making sure we reflect the children’s beliefs and experiences in our curriculum, working together to ensure the best outcomes.
Spring 2
This half term, the Robins have enjoyed our transport topic. They have learnt about many different forms of air, land, space and water travel, and have used their imaginations to create other modes of transport. The children have had some fun interactive experiences, such as making and flying aeroplanes, kites and rockets, making sponge boats, which they sailed in our water tray, and flying a hot air balloon in the classroom. Many exciting adventures have been had in our space-themed role play area!
Towards the end of the term, the Robins have liked finding out about Easter, practising our songs for our Easter performance at the end of term and acting out the story of Palm Sunday.
Spring 1
The Robins have really enjoyed this half-term’s topic ‘People Who Help Us’. Highlights have included visits from a firefighter and our Police Community Support Officer. The children listened carefully and asked super questions. They enjoyed exploring the equipment that both visitors brought with them. Another highlight was our celebration of Chinese New Year and, in particular, the lion dancing that they did and the Chinese feast that we had at the end of the week. It was lovely to have parents in the classroom for our reading café during our Chinese New Year celebrations!
The children have been busy writing with enthusiasm and have enjoyed beginning to work with larger numbers in maths. They continue to love their PE lessons with Mr Clark and liked their dance lessons and their recent multi-skills lessons. The children have been very creative this half-term, producing some fantastic art work that is displayed in the classroom and many amazing models that they love to take home with them!
Autumn 2
The Robins have enjoyed learning about different festivals this half-term. We have shared experiences, learnt things from the past and many new facts, whilst finding out about Bonfire Night, Remembrance, Diwali, Eid al-Fitr, Hanukkah and birthdays. Through our topic, the children have celebrated their similarities and differences, and our British Values.
As December began, the Robins went into full Christmas mode, with lots of glitter and excitement, as we learnt about Advent, the story of the Nativity and counted down to Christmas! The children worked hard, practising for our nativity performance, and were all simply amazing! Watching the ‘Cinderella’ pantomime and participating in our Christmas lunch were also wonderful occasions.
Autumn 1
The Robins should be proud of how well they have settled into school life. This half-term, they have enjoyed getting to know themselves and each other through our ‘Magical Me and the World around Me’ topic. They have created self-portraits, talked about their families, their homes and what they like to do. As part of our values, they have learnt about respect and friendship, and have celebrated their similarities and differences. The children have all been developing their imaginations and sharing skills, using our construction and small world toys, and our current role-play areas. They have learnt new skills in their PE lessons with Mr Clark from Premier Sport and have really enjoyed their time in PE.
This month, the Robins have celebrated Black History Month. The children have particularly enjoyed finding out about Floella Benjamin, who came to this country as part of the Windrush generation. They have also loved painting in the style of Alma Thomas and Frank Bowling, and have done a super job!
A real highlight was the Robins learning our Harvest songs and participating in school’s Harvest Festival. They all did a super job!
Class Teacher - Mrs Wolfe
Please click this link for the Robins curriculum news for this half-term